Sunday, October 12, 2008
Please don't take this as meaning i'm some flake who chants at flowers and meditates to the sound of a cherrub peeing in a pond ( read my last post ) I did have to take hold of the oppertunities as they came my way, but trusting in the fact that by bieng a good person and following the signs that came my way and taking pleasure in the little bits of the world that I happen to see, life has become pretty enjoyable and quite relaxing, not the stressfull angry existance I was dealing with. ( meaning I hated my job was broke constantly and was rarely at home long enough to enjoy anything enough to make the rest of it worthwile.)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
violence and sheepdogs
It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence.
~ Mahatma Gandhi
I got this quote from a website article about how three people stood impotent watching a man beat a child to death, waiting six and a half minutes on a back road for a police officer to fly in , in a helicopter and shoot the man square in the forehead.
I found the website whilst researching womens self defense, the full article is here so you don't hafta search for it.
The reason for my personal search on women's self defense is because I want to start my own self defense class using the skills and techniques I know to help women feel safe. I know that women get hit, I know that the main reason they get hit is because some insacure asshole needs to prove his manhood by hitting, and this same insacure asshole doesn't have the spine to face the real source of his insacurity, or the balls to challeng a real man to prove himself. When I say real man I don't mean some testosterone fueled meathead, I'm talking about the kind of man my grandfather was, opening doors for ladies, saying please and thank you. The kind of man I try to be, knowing right from wrong, loving with all i have, bieng respectfull, crying when needed, and not hesitating for a moment to rip the head off anything that threatens the things I love.
This leads me to the sheepdogs. I found a thing that describes people as one of three types. Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs.
Sheep are described as USEFULL, Productive members of sociaty who would only hurt another sheep by accident, they also live in denial about violence.
Wolves are described as using violence to meet their needs, they prey upon the sheep with no hesitation to harm, maim or kill to satisfy their cravings.
Sheepdogs are described as having the gift of aggresion, understanding that violence exists, willing to defend self and family, and having the ability to use force aginst wolves never sheep.
Sheepdogs are often found in law enforcement, the military or the martial art comunity. Sheepdogs often make the sheep uncomfortable because they remind them that the wolves are out there. They also make the sheep uncomfortable because they have fangs like the wolf, fur like the wolf, and are constantly looking for the oppertunity to engage the wolf in battle...The very thing the sheep fear.
I'm pretty sure that if more people were a bit more dogged about defending themselves and a little less sheepish towards violance, the wolves would have a lot harder time staying wolves. It doesn't take much to stop a violent crime, especially against women, since the majority of violence against women is about controll. If a woman shows that SHE'S in control of herself and confidant in herself usually violence doesn't happen. From a personal standpoint, The one person who is always gonna be there if something bad is going to happen to me ,the one person who has the most to gain by defending me, the one person who has the most to lose by standing by and not defending me is ME. If you don't take a vested interest in keeping yourself safe why would anyone else, and regardless of wether they do the only person that is garuanteed to be there if you need defending is you.
Thats all for now, I'm going to bed.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
saturday night woo hoo
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
doing or reading
I know now that I learn things 100 times faster if I get to DO something, screw it up a few times and finally get it right on my own, rather then read about it, be told about it and then be expected to have it perfect first try. I've gained this insight from experience and a vacuum cleaner commercial. The vacuum cleaner was a Dyson and what the commercial said was that they screwed up about 500 times before they got it right. This made me think about the things I did well and I realized that the stuff I was good at, I mean REALLY good at, I had spent alot of time doing, and mostly doing poorly before I got good at it.
Getting back to the Schooling part, today was the first day in the shop. All we did was light a torch, but we had to prove we could do it using proper as tought procedures. I realized that the first try is always going to be flawed somehow, and I mean the first try of anything simply because it's new and foriegn (The quote " the best teacher is experience" holds true, no matter what the new thing is.) but I now like screwing stuff up a bit when something's new, it means I'm human and can develop my own way of doing things. I appreciate the fact that there's less waste in the world if people screw up less stuff, but that's the end result. Not the first try. I've come to enjoy the process of learning instead of hating being tought stuff. Being tought never worked on me because deep down I wanted to mess things up a bit and see what happened, learn from my mistakes.
I really apprecite the opertunity I have right now to grow in who I am and get rid of some of the crap I've been carrying around since high school. honestly I didn't know I was carrying it until I went back to school but now I'm quite glad to lay that bag of bull$#!% down and light it on fire on the principals doorstep.
P.S. have I mentioned how much I love my wife for putting up with me, and the fact that she's HOT
Monday, September 15, 2008
My money rant
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
just figuring stuff out
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
What I hated about School
Thats it, english class in high school was the worst,mostly because of the teacher I had. She was an uppity, snoot of an old englishwoman who had no desire to teach if there was any type of problem.
I'll explain this a bit more, it involves a bit o' background though so bare :) with me, when I was nine my family moved from B.C. to Sask. In B.C. skool I was still printing everything, in Sask. skool they were writing everything. I had missed a valuable step in there somewhere, the learning HOW to write part. bringing me to my english class dilema Everyone said my writing was awfull, especially miss snooty pants, and nobody did anything to help me relearn. so there I was, messy writing, not too sure how to fix it on my own, getting POUNDED with statements like, That writings attrocious, why don't you just print, you'll hafto redo everything because I can't read that, and my alltime favorite, I think your functionally illiterate with writing like that ( that one was my Mom).
So i did what any self respecting defiant teenager would. I left it messy.
I've come to realize that now in my later mid thirty's that my writing's not messy or illegable it's just quite unique. all my h's look the same all my n's look the same all my everything's look the same they just don't all look like everybody else's.
The reason this little outburst comes up is beecause in my current career choice I am taking a "life skills" module in my welding course and all the old walls and issues that i havn't had to deal with for twenty years or so are showing their stupid heads again.
My beautiful wife was the first, and only, person to ever say they liked my writing. I'm deciding to join her in that opinion, I like my writing too.
I really don't want a career where writing skill is a priority, I just want all the voices in my head to shut up and quit bothering me about it. I mean if i'm gonna write stuff down it's gonna be for me to look at so why not make it look the way I want.
OK i'm done and did I mention my wife's hot :)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
first things first
I don't expect this site to become popular or famous although I should be, but i'm not so i'llljust pretend I am. Or not, tonight I feel kindof chatty, tomorow I may be a little more humble. We'll hafta wait and see.