Wednesday, March 4, 2009

OH my GOD! Where have I been?

WELL! two months and three day. That's how bloggaliffic I am. but like the profile says it's not the size of the helmut, it's what's in it that matters.

I have officially become a professional weldor in the first degree (that's a level one apprentice for those who arn't sure what I mean) six months of training and not even one day missed. AND didn't have to wait to get a job either. my work practicum employer hired me before my two week work evaluation was over!

Yea I kinda kick ass.

Now I want to get a welder for myself, perhaps something like this.
and a torch setup, something like this. Then I'll be in business, literally.

I could write about how awsome my wife is but since she's sitting right here to make her crazy I won't!

Her usefull tips on grammer and spellelening are MY FAVORITE!!!

that's about it fer now OH MY FRICKEN GOD MY WIFE'S INSANE.

I LOVE HER REGARDLESS, that kinda makes me insane as well i guess

till later